Book Notes from New Ideas from Dead Economists: The Introduction to Modern Economic Thought
Some key notes from the book New Ideas from Dead Economists by Todd G. Buchholz, American economist.
- Economics as the dismal science
- Economists must be mathematicians, historians, philosophers and statesmen. - John Keynes
-Attitude not latitude counts for a country
- Attitude may be defined as the collective wisdom it gleans from great economists over the history
- No one can be an informed voter or understand newspaper without knowledge of economics
-In the Wealth of Nations Adam Smith warns society not to naively succumb to bourgeois blandishment - "Self-interest motivates more powerfully and consistently than kindness, altruism or martyrdom"
- "Over time, markets drive producers to deliver better products and better prices".
-"The forces that fight free international trade look formidable to the government".
-" Countries that shun trade tend to stagnate or sink".
- From 1776 to 1976 just five books reigned over economics:
1. Smith's Wealth of Nations
2. Ricardo's Principles
3. Marshall's Principles
4. Mill's Principle of Political Economy
5. Samuelson's Economics
- "He who does not go with the flow of historical materialism drowns in it".
- "Marx ignores imagination, innovation and entrepreneurship".
- Marx does not tell us how socialism will make trash collecting exciting or more incentivising.
- "Marginalism declares that the past is behind you".
-"Alfred Marshall's marginalism is evolution applied to economics."
-Increasing returns to scale = Internal economics (a division of labor, buying in bulk, specialization and large machinery) and External economics (locational advantage/ cluster economy and business environment)
- Elasticity = responsiveness to price changes
-" As interest rates increase so do crime rates."
"During prosperity, people pay more money in taxes and budget surpluses. But during recessions government should allow deficits."
- Milton Friedman = monetarism, money supply to drive the economy
- Keynesians = higher government spending or lower taxes, lower government spending or higher taxes
- Criticism of Keynes more money does not mean more buying power or a higher standard of living
- "Freidman started as a Keynesian and matured as a monetarist".
- "Keynes started as a monetarist and matured into a Keynesian".
- "Central bankers need to have Keynes's head on Milton's body".
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